Packing away..... |
A piece of My Vision Board.... |
Hello Loves, Happy February! How are you all? I hope you are all having an amazing month! I hope that you all enjoyed my last post on the Amazing Miss. Honor! I will be featuring another inspiring woman which I like to refer to as "Superwomen," because we all are in our own way. It is all about finding your passion & purpose in life & going after it! So much has changed since the last time I spoke to you...how about you? How is all your new years eve intentions going? Have any of your goals or dreams came true? Around mid-January me & one of my best girlfriends decided to make "Vision Boards." We pasted clippings of all our dreams for ourselves not only this year but for what we see within our distant futures as well. I have heard of them & their success through many different self-help authors, so I figured "Why not?" I encourage you all to do one! We made a date of it, shared a bottle of wine while talking about what we wanted our lives to be like. By the end of the day I not only felt closer to my friend, but also inspired & excited for what was to come.
My Love..... |
One big thing I put on my vision board was to move out on my own & I did not even think it would happen for at least another 6 months or more but I pasted it on anyway. Within 2 weeks of my board, my dream came true. I could not believe it. It felt very empowering to make such a decision & my gut told me I was making the right decision. I am so happy where I am at & in a way feel emancipated. Although because of overdoing it & with the stress of moving, unpacking, etc. I had a pretty bad flare up with my autoimmune disease. I woke up the Monday after the day I moved & I could barely walk & in massive joint pain. I knew what had triggered it. I took the week off from work, rested, took my meds, & tried to keep my mind out of the gutter. Meaning I was trying not to let negative thoughts bring me down, because the last thing I needed was to relapse & end up back on my cane. Nope...not this year, I have to many goals & dreams to make happen. Meanwhile some of my best friends Pilan & Rasha came to visit & help me when I was sick. It was so nice, as well as my new boyfriend. He had never witnessed the effects of my disease in a flare up & the way he handled it was amazing. I remember sitting on my bed practically sobbing in pain & he was putting my joint patches on my back. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to deal with me knowing that this came with the package, he said, "Of course don't be silly." He was so loving & nurturing. It's so nice to have that kind of support. I could not ask for anyone better.
One of My IG friends created all the way in Miami & sent to me when I was sick...so beautiful. |
Luckily after resting all week, my body & legs went back to normal. It feels so good to be healthy again. I never take my good health days for granted, even something as simple as walking because I am never quite sure if it will be taken away from me or not. Everyday before my feet hit the ground I give thanks to God for a "Healthy Day!" I started school last week & I am really excited because I truly love school & being on a busy schedule, but I also am gonna have to learn to pace myself. With work, school, social life, exercising, hobbies, etc...it will definitely be crazy the next few months. I love it though! I also am keeping up daily with my "Self-Love" Projects on instagram! It is so inspiring all the amazing women I have met! I feel blessed & that this is my year. I have made a decision no matter what obstacles I encounter this year that I am a survivor & I will be able to face anything. I feel motivated with my writing, painting, everything. So remember whatever your going through..you will come out of it. As a stronger & even better version of yourself! I promise you. A few months ago I was in such a low place & now looking at my life it has changed so much. I truly believe it was all from my mindset change back in December a few days after my birthday.
I feel like a broken record but I can't begin to tell you that it does get better, little by little, day by day. So as hard as it gets try to find that inner strength to move on from that dark mindset. I realized that in moving out I am not only moving on physically but mentally as well. It's a fresh start. I also feel when that "something clicked" for me back in December it was also allowing me to open my heart. By being open to things, I have allowed positive people & experiences into my life. No my problems have not faded overnight. I can say though that I am seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. And it all starts with managing that self-dialogue. Being positive is like a constant muscle that needs to be worked daily. I could have easily fallen into the pity party this past week when I flared up, but I talked myself out of it, kept myself surrounded only by positive people, & I prayed. So whatever you need to do to keep your mindset in a good place, do it. I think that in life if something or someone isn't serving you in a positive way, then it's time to move on. We only have one life here, so show the world what a "Superwoman" you can be!!!