Who really cares 'cause it's your life
You never know, it could be great
Take a chance 'cause you might grow
Oh, oh oh
What you waiting
What you waiting
What you waiting for?!
Tick tock, Tick Tock...
Awwww....that song. Those lyrics. I had gotten this idea to title one of my blog post this after hearing Gwen Stefani's song, "What you waiting for?" running to it on the treadmill a while ago. For the first time, having listening to it a million times, finally at 30 years old, it spoke to me. Yet now, at 31 years old it is screaming at me. What are we really waiting for anyways? To be the greatest we can be, to love fully without hesitation, to wear that outfit we keep trying to get "skinnier" for, to speak up, & to basically to just live life fearlessly.
Happy New Years Loves! Can you believe it is already 2014? Insane how the year flew by! 2013 was truly one of my best years I have had in a while...after nearly two years of depression & health issues up until then..I was breaking emotionally. Then finally, something drastically changed; me & my perspective. So what did I learn from this past year in changing those things? Well I learned to...
- Be Bold in following your Dreams! I was always so scared of even attempting to go for my dreams because at first I thought that getting disappointed from failing would be worse than not trying at all. Because if I did not try, at least I would not be disappointed if my dreams were rejected. Yet now I realize that if you do take a chance and succeed, oh wow...what a beautiful thing. This year I finally achieved my dream of having my very own solo art show...and I sold many pieces. It really built my confidence to believe in my creative outlets. So just try it! What do you truly have to lose? The only loss in you not following you dreams is throwing away a talent that was placed in your soul by God...or your Higher Power. Dreams are above us, they are a fire that ignites within us. So what are you waiting for; Be Bold!
- Dump that Bad Body Image Inner Dialogue! You know that other voice in your head? The one that tells you that you should not eat that & that you are not thin enough? Dump her! Sure..it is great to have weight loss goals to improve your health & boost your confidence. But here is a secret I learned this year...you must love yourself NOW because getting to a certain number on the scale shouldn't dictate your confidence or happiness. What does boosts your confidence I believe while losing weight is the dedication in waking up to get that early morning run in when you just want to press snooze again. What boosts your confidence is that you are treating your body as a temple, so therefore as a nice car that needs good gas, you are as well putting good fuel into your body. So quit thinking that in hating your body, it will help you love it more. Because it won't. Say nice things to yourself. Think of your body as a little child that you need to nourish with love and beautiful words so that it can blossom. I have struggled so much in this category, and I think for all women it will be a challenge. But practice makes perfect. So what you waiting for...keep practicing on loving your body! No matter what size!
- Don't be afraid to get your heart broken...because you will get through it. I was lucky enough to fall in love twice this past year, which was a lot seeing that I had not been in a serious relationship in nearly 3 years. I was with my ex E from the beginning of January till memorial day. Needless to say, getting dumped was not the way I imagined starting my summer. Our breakup hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I was losing one of my best friends. And in turn I was, yet that forced me to dig up the one best friend whom I knew would always be there; myself. I made a vow that I would have a theme song to help me get through it, and so I did. It was Sarah Bareille's song, "Gonna get over you." I played it everyday rain or shine, tears or no tears. The lyrics gave me such power..."Goodbye" is the first word of the song. I ran a lot, I wrote, I cried, I sipped wine...although I did immediately erase his number so there would be no drunk texting! LOL...that is my #1 tip...haha! And honestly I just lived. And dated, which yes made me miss my ex even more, so I realized I still wasn't ready. But it made for some funny stories to tell later. So what you waiting for...move on from that dead end relationship or breakup. Be grateful for the good that your ex brought you, & leave the negative stuff behind. I promise you that what you find on the other side will be way better than you could have imagined.
- Know that when Love is right...it isn't always easy, but it will always build you up, & not knock you down. Shortly after my breakup, 2 months to be exact..I reconnected with my childhood best guy friend D. We had always been friends, which was something that I had lacked in almost all of my previous relationships. You have to have that solid foundation to truly make things work. The guy you're with should bring out the best in you & love you so much that their love spills onto you, & your self-acceptance. If the one you're with makes you feel belittled in any way, intimidates you, embarrasses you in front of others, than he is not the one for you. D will point out to me if I am being a brat, but it is in a loving way that helps me become a better person. It is always in my best interest. Love is truly a beautiful thing when it flows, but there will be challenging times as well. Me & D now live together, which can be hard, & is so foreign to me..but it is all so worth it because we are building a life together. So what are you waiting for...go find that great love of yours!
- Last, but not least create a "Vision Board," & plan to make your visions a reality! I was not a big believer in this whole "Vision Board" idea I had heard from Author Gabrielle Bernstein in early 2013. But I figured, "What do I have to lose?" So I made it...I had cut out pieces of the word, "Job Interview," because after nearly 10 years of being at my dead end job, I was praying to get brave enough to move on. And in July, I found that new job. I had put images of couples, & I fell in love. I graduated college. I stayed in remission with my disease. Amazingly, a lot of those visions came true. The board was a little reminder to keep me on my life path. So make a day to sit in your space...get some good music, grab a latte, & start cutting out those words & images that you want for yourself ion 2014! Whatever that be that makes you happy. Maybe you aren't a planner or enjoy making "To Do" lists, or vision boards like I do...so go...be spontaneous & reach for those dreams! Do the things you've been itching to do! Call that family member or friend. Forgive easily. Sleep in. Love fully. Or quit that job! Go back to school! Take that trip...that chance...those risks! After all...What you waiting for?!