Monday, May 28, 2012

A little bit of Inspiration and Some Yoga...

Hello Loves...I have so much to do in terms of studying for finals but have not blogged in about a week, and I feel the are you all? Again...Thank you to all my supportive friends, and family who seem interested in my silly little blog, it warms my soul and makes me feel special. Especially when I get responds from my two Fav. Bloggers "I love you to the Moon," by Amber & "The Life of a cupcake," by Julie. Beautiful Woman Inside&Out & their blogs are exactly why I started hopefully INSPIRE other Women as they have inspired me. Who inspires you? I get inspired just by meeting a stranger who is super friendly or is just confident in their skin. I am truly lucky I have many different inspiring women in mine, each one I know I take a piece of them with me and apply it to my own life. This week was an eye opening moment for me after venting to a friend the things I do not like about myself and how sometimes everyone's else's world may seem perfect, she pointed out, "Do you ever stop to think that maybe people look up to you in a way or admire something you have achieved? With your paintings, writing, or your clients you motivate on a daily basis?" And she was right, sometimes we get so caught up in comparing ourselves and feeling like a scattered mess at that moment but then was able to sit back and say, "Yes there are good things here within me, and not just the outer but the inner. I always am trying daily to help woman build themselves up at work, when what I needed to do was look in the mirror and do the same. And so again I look to see who and what brings me up. Two things it is one of my Aunt's birthday, she inspires me because she is one of the most loving nurturing people in my world to me as my Dear Nana was, and she has given me so many gifts. And by gifts I mean-Confidence, strength, motivation to be independent, and most of all when nobody else not even myself believed in me she did. I had a really rough weekend with my body, my fatigue got the best of me, and after not being able to practice hot yoga the last few months because of my flareup I forced myself to try today. And what do you know one of my favorite yoga instructors Janna who is such a Beautiful woman was there to greet me with a "We missed you!" Her face lit up when she saw me and that in itself melted away all the fears and intimidation I felt going in. It was a good day and a good practice. Very Inspiring. Namaste.


  1. you're SO sweet. thank you so much! this totally made my day. it's really special to me that i've inspired you in some way to start your blog! you are right, there are probably lots of people out there who look up to you and are inspired by you! thanks for your kind words and keep up the good work!

    also - not too sure what is happening but i can't follow your blog! the place to follow is not up on the side! maybe take a look at the settings or something so that i can follow you girly!


  2. Thank you My Janene for the gift you gave me today of how I make you feel it's all I wanted for you when you stayed with me for that short time in our lives , I justed wanted for you just what you said today and that in itself is a great birthday gift for me .
