Writing... |
My Latte Love & Paris Paintings.... |
Visions of my future & what I see in my future.... |
Hello Loves! Happy April & "Happy 1 Year Anniversary" to my little blog~"Self-Love in a Latte." I cannot believe it has been a year. Wow. So much has happened since then, as well as since turning 30 back in December. How is everything with you guys? I hope you are all amazing! I apologize for not being able to blog as much-school, work, and life have truly taken over. I really miss blogging and writing in general. So I have still continued to do my "Self-Love" Projects on instagram & I have met so many inspiring women on there & each month I do a new theme to focus on. This month for April has been "Self-Organization"month. I have been giving daily tips on how to get more organized in your daily life~whether it be physically or emotionally. I also saw that April is "Stress Awareness Month," which I thought was ironic since that is what my instagram project was all about.
So this year I have really been focusing on fixing things in my life that I let go in the past year. I mean let's be real, last April probably was not the best time to start a blog seeing that I was in a pretty low place emotionally & physically. But then when I think back to all the sweet thankful comments & emails I had received, I knew that by being raw & honest in my writing was the right thing to do. There is this author/spiritual leader named Gabrielle Bernstein & one of her favorite sayings is, "When you feel helpless, help someone." And when I look back on where I was, even if I did not believe or practice always what I was blogging about, I felt empowered every time someone would say that by reading my blog helped them in some way. Also I had went off Facebook for a long period of time over just the fact that I needed to figure out my emotions; which were all over the place. Due to my relapses in my health, among other things. I just needed to take a step back, which I did. It really helped to sit with my own thoughts & figure out what my next step was in finding my passion & happiness in life.
Then this past December 2012 & I finally just hit the bottom of my depression. I had nowhere to go but up. So I prayed...a lot. I said "Thank-you" to God for what I did have & stopped focusing on what I did not have. Then everything fell into place. Also Gabrielle always talks about when someone is really ready to change-that is when the self-help books fall off the shelves, & that is when we find lots of inspiration to make that change. As I have...I feel like when I hit 30 this light bulb went off & my inner voice said-"Life is passing you by wallowing in your depression." So I decided to make a vision board & a lot has come true from there. I am in remission & for the most part healthy. I have mended certain relationships which in turn have gotten stronger because of that. I have fallen in love & have not let my inner voice try to sabotage it. I had my 1st solo art show which was a great success & I even sold pieces. I am graduating with my AA degree this June & working on my BA now. I feel this inner excitement that keeps me up at night. There is this new zest within that makes me want to really focus on my goals & dreams within my writing & painting. Also the way I have reached many women on my instagram I hope to hit that on my blog as well. All I want is to inspire women & help them believe in their visions & remind them that they deserve everything they want in life!
So what has been the biggest change of all; My perspective. Meeting my boyfriend then I would have sabotaged the relationship by telling myself that I did not deserve him. I would not have had a art show because I would not believe that anyone would buy my pieces. I would not have started a blog because of not thinking people would be interested in my writing. I would not be celebrating my size & body the way I do because I'd still try to convince myself that I should be thinner. Blah, Blah, Blah. You see? We can all choose to be our own worst enemy or our own best friend. So shut that negative inner voice down & start being kinder to yourself. Believe you can have the life you want & deserve. My life is no where near perfect but daily I am trying to better it as well as better myself. There is always something to work on, yet that is the beauty in loving ourselves & our lives. We are all a "Work in progress." But just know that is okay.
Laughter & Love.... |
So let's continue our journey in finding pure bliss & true self-love! Thank you to everyone who has supported my blog & my dreams. All of your positive energy has put my life in a whole new direction, & I am endlessly grateful. Have a great week Loves.
My Love....xoxo |
My Yoga Pieces.... |
My Art Show.... |
I love that you say that we are a "Work in Progress" - and that is ok. Its true...none of us are perfect. Plus isnt the journey the most important thing? because that is where we learn about ourselves and and have the adventures of life in the process? anyways always love your posts!! much love doll <33
ReplyDeleteAm still a work in progress! Thanks for the words of encouragement sent my way!