Hello Loves...It is already Sunday & What a BEAUTIFUL Weekend I had! Truly...I spent my whole weekend with family & it was an Amazing Time! I feel so grateful for each little moment I got to enjoy..how was everyone's weekend? In fact, I may have to do a part 2 for this weekend! Some of my favorite moments was laughing so hard with my cousins that I was crying after a night of Margaritas, Chips&salsa, Shots, & Great Conversation...& that was JUST Friday! LOL! Saturday I had my best friend/cousin/sister Ash's Bridal Shower in Laguna Beach at her Mom's Casa where I actually lived at last summer. Watching my cousin open her little presents & see her face light up made me so happy because she is starting a Beautiful New Chapter Soon! Then me&her went to sit on the balcony after the party died down & we sipped our iced tea & talked while laughing nonstop...& those are the little moments I love, especially with Ashley. Since we were as little as five years old we would sit in a little corner & create our own fun world. She is my sister. On my drive home, after taking that beautiful picture above..in laguna I let the breeze flow threw my hair as I reminisced while driving downtown. The Art Gallery I'd always drool over, my favorite little cafe I'd pick up chai lattes, & even the beautiful scenes I used to look at when I'd run downtown. Laguna Beach will always hold a special little place in my heart, not only the time I spent there, but the relationship I built with my Aunt & Papa, & most of all I learned a lot about myself in living there. I got sick there & unfortunately was in bed a lot, but in that the positive was that since I was on disability I was able to just be. I painted, slept in, wrote a lot, read, enjoyed the beach sunsets, & in a way got to quite my mind for a while. It was truly an experience I am so grateful for & it changed me in more ways than I could even explain. It wasn't where I lived but the lessons I learned there & who I became...okay & I had a pretty nice view as well....
I also had a very special cousin and this brings back sweet memories. :)