Me & My Daddy |
The Coffee he left for me the other morning... |
Us.... |
Hello Loves....How are you all? I am way over due for my part 2 blog from last week so I will be posting a new one in a few days. As you all know on Father's Day I had mentioned what a great day I had with mine. What can I say, where would I start? My Dad is my best friend, my rock, my biggest fan, & basically my world. I know not everyone has that kind of relationship with their Dads so I realize how lucky I truly am. I was attached to his hip since birth, and we have definitely been through ups & downs just like any other relationship. Especially in my late teen years we drifted a bit, & mostly because I was probably in that weird too cool stage where being close to a parent was so not. Or at least I was bratty enough to think so..but I remember senior year he brought me shopping for my Prom Dress, & I had been imagining a while satin simple one, my Mom had told him no spending over $200, but when I saw it I knew it was perfect so he spent $300. Don't think Mom was too happy though..LOL. When I was little he made me a dollhouse & matched all the wallpaper & carpet in it to our real house, he would tuck me in every night, dry my tears, the list goes on & on. When I was diagnosed with my disease after us not being too close when I was 20, it was a wake up call for both of us. He slept every night at the hospital with me. I was there over two weeks, & everyday we would watch Dawson's Creek reruns, and he would feed me my breakfast because my arms would be in too much pain from the IVs. He never left my side then & hasn't since. Even when I have a bad joint day he'll drive me to work. The other day he made me coffee before he left for work at 530 in the morning to motivate me to wake up. It really worked, the smell just has that alluring affect..Lol. He is one of the most selfless, giving, &
loving people I know. I always tell him he has to live forever because I could never imagine my life without him in it, & I sometimes wonder if that's what made him cut back on his smoking recently..Lol. Again I know how lucky I am to have such amazing parents, & I'll definitely be doing a blog about my Mom soon as well. As Fleetwood Mac's song, "Landslide" says..."Well I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around you." (For Daddy) I'm thankful for all our moments and more to come.
How lucky you both are to have each other! He does sound like one in a million...just like his daughter!