My Grandparents..Old School Love |
The Simple Happiness in their house...love it! |
Playing in Grandma's Garden... |
Hello Loves...I know this is not my normal Sunday post, but I told you all I had to do a Part 2 of this weekend because there was so much fun &beauty that I could not fit it all into just one post! Hope everyone's week is going great so far! So I left off about Friday&Saturday of my weekend, but didn't get to Sunday. We drove down to visit my Dad's parents which always cracks me up because when I look at them-my German side I see my dark hair, olive skin, and ask, "Ummm was I adopted?" LOL..but I do actually have a lot of my Dad's German/Irish features but just with tan skin. I come in a different package I guess. I wouldn't change being mixed for the life of me. I've come to appreciate my little half German/Irish/Mexican self the way I am. I love going there because I just always feel a sense of calmness when I go. The simplicity of it all, Grandma's homemade treats, Grandpa with his newspaper & black coffee glued to his hand, (must be where I get my LOVE for coffee) & the easiness of it all. It feels LOVING there...& as you all know I talk of my other grandmother Nana a lot whom I lost way too young, so I truly treasure my Grandma time. And I thankfully still have my Mom's Dad, Papa who's amazing as well. Me & her sat on the porch & just talked. I asked her what my great grandparents were like, you know like who was the quite one, who was the talker. My Grandpa is quite, yet has the cutest sense of humor & he noticed I had all my white joint patches on & I told him their for my autoimmune disease when my joints flare. He made a cute joke to make me smile & after I walked outside, my Dad later told me he said he could not believe how strong I am in handling my disease all these years & what a fighter I am. That meant so much to me & truly brought tears to my eyes. Then after Grandma's pie, we said goodbye as they stood outside their door & waved until we drove off. I'll always treasure that vision. I love them so much & am so grateful to have them both. We ended the day at one of me & my Mom's favorite little places called, "Tom's Farm." We got fruit, vegetables, & candy from the candy store. It was a beautiful sunny day & just easy & fun. What an ending to a Beautiful Weekend of family! It really is the Simple Things...
We all love each and every drop of German/Irish/Mexican blood that flows through that beautiful body of yours!