Carrie Bradshaw, my "Carrie" necklace, & my "Love" keychain |
Me living, laughing, & loving life as a single gal.... |
The Girls from "Sex & the City" |
My Writing, My Love, Myself.... |
Hi Loves..Happy Sunday! How are you all today? I have so many blog ideas at the moment so I've decided to do 2 a week, one every Sunday & one every Wednesday! Anyways so a lot has been on my mind lately yet I don't want to sound like a broken record but then again things come up over & over that make me rethink about them. One is being a twenty-something year old single girl...if I hear one more person ask me why I am single I'm gonna scream..Lol. I have actually fallen in love recently... more in love with my writing. So that got me thinking about 2 things...Love & Writing. Or my Love for Writing. In one of my Favorite Shows, "Sex & The City," Carrie Bradshaw the main character is a writer for a sex column in New York City. She is in her thirties, single, & has 3 best friends whom she shares everything with. I discovered the show as a 19 year old & I enjoyed it, but I was a kid then so there was still things I did not "get" about it or could not relate to. Now as a single 29 year old with a few serious relationships, bad dates, heartbreaks, etc. under my belt, I LOVE it, I GET it, & most of all I RELATE to it. I started this blog only in April yet lately have been getting such amazing feedback from women liking it & asking for more. Some have even said I should write a book. Me? A real author of
a book? I was fortunate enough to have one of my poems published a year ago, which felt amazing, but a book? What kind? A novel? A Memoir? What should I write about? "Write what you know," is what I've always believed but then again I am only 29 which may seem too young to write a memoir though sometimes I feel like I could pull it off. So any feedback on what you guys would think, please let me know. It got me thinking of Carrie Bradshaw & all the subjects that she speaks of that relate to women. The "Should I's" us women find ourselves thinking. Should I have a baby? Should I go back to college? Should I have dumped him? Should I marry him? Should I have had that 3rd cosmo? Should I feel guilty for saying "no?" Should I have slept with him so soon? Should I have kept quite & not stood up for myself? Should I let my dreams pass me by because I am afraid of failing? Should I feel I am not worthy enough because all the other girls have diamond rings on their fingers & mine is a diamond butterfly? There are so many questions, so many doubts, so many expectations we place on ourselves. As Carrie says in one episode, "As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going." So well said Carrie. There's pressure from our family, friends, ourselves of why we are not doing this or doing that...yet doesn't it come down to our own opinion that truly matters? Like Carrie Bradshaw, I have amazing best friends who hear about my little life, laugh with me, cry with me, tell me their opinion whether I like it or not, & most of accept me for all that I am. Like Carrie Bradshaw, I sometimes put buying a pair of heels & a latte over paying for more responsible things. Like Carrie Bradshaw, I go back to men who are not the best for me in the long run, but are oh so fun for the moment. Like Carrie Bradshaw, I doubt myself, my choices, my choice to maybe never have babies, my singleness & feeling maybe fulfilled by just that. I write what I know & what do I know right now? I am flawed. I am sensitive. I am dramatic. I am emotional. And I am brave. Finally at this age, I realize I am worthy of fulfilling my dreams & as much as society wants it to be a picket white fence with a husband & a baby, well I'm not so sure. I dream of getting my degrees, & after this semester I'll have degree one. I dream to move out on my own & become more of an independent woman. I dream to get back in remission & healthy again so I can run, do hot yoga, & walk in heels. I dream to follow my dreams...and my dream used to be an actress. My new dream came though out of just doing what I truly love..writing & hopefully inspiring other women like myself who may doubt themselves. My dream has many different arrays of things, & not one has to do the one that's expected. No diamonds needed...well maybe just the ones on my butterfly ring...
Oh I absolutely love this blog + this column!! : )
ReplyDeleteAwe Thank you So much & for taking the time to read my blog! XO