Latte Love... |
Making the most of it all... |
Cafe in the City.... |
A best friend moment between the Ashley's... |
Hello Friends, how is everyone's week going?! So here it is Part 2 of the Chicago Trip Post I promised. I will put Part 3 up shortly. Tonight I went to dinner with one of my best friends Cynthia who just came back from an Amazing Trip in NYC & she said she felt like "She found herself there.." Also she spoke of how it changed her, gave her a confidence boost, & that perfect dose of happiness she felt she was lacking. I looked at her & asked, "Isn't it funny that sometimes we have to get away to find ourselves?" And it got me to thinking, why it that going away & experiencing these little moments make you feel almost a new person, with a new perspective? A moment staring into heaven while looking out the plane window, sipping a latte while people watching & realizing what diversity there is outside our own little world, or even just a realization of yourself that you had not seen before. Pulling yourself out of your own comfort zone while traveling can truly open your eyes. For Cynthia, she found confidence, for me it was faith & seeing a strength in myself I forgot I had. After the miracle at the wedding with my legs, it showed me such unwavering faith. And well having so many people, strangers even tell me how strong they felt I was made me believe that maybe they were right. Or at least I'd keep those inspiring words in my mind until I would learn to believe them. There were so many cool little moments like walking downtown people watching, or witnessing random acts of kindness between people. After a second day of self loathing over my cane there was a man with no legs on the street with a jar asking for money, I smiled, gave him some money, & then thought,"See Janene you have your legs still, they may not be working the way you'd like but you still have them." That was so humbling to me. Another memory was watching my cousin Ashley (The Bride) & one of her best friends Ashley have a laugh in the hotel room. (Yes they share the same name) Giggling nonstop & talking about the exciting wedding to come. I remember snapping a picture & they looked at me funny, but after they looked at it they saw why I could not help but capture a moment like that. And then feeling was how close my Nana was with me so much throughout this trip. In the plane we were flying through the clouds & I told my little cousin Zac who unfortunately never got to meet her, "Look Zac were in the clouds with Nana." Then seeing the giant rainbow that appeared on her birthday at the rehearsal dinner, & of course when she answered my prayer the day of the wedding as she helped me walk down the aisle. And last but not least just witnessing pure unconditional love between my family, new family, & even seeing stranger's becoming friends. Like chatting with a sweet taxi driver I met on my last day, or spending the week getting to know my cousin's best friend Ashley & seeing why she loves her so much; these were all these great little moments of love. That is what life is about, meeting people, reconnecting with people, or sometimes just reconnecting with yourself. Trips are not always about the scenery or the fancy hotel you stayed in..it's about those tangible souvenirs that can't be bought but just felt. For me I brought home a new sense of faith in myself, my health, & a sense of calmness that God knows exactly what he's doing with me & this relapse. Maybe it is to show me my strength, either way I feel I'm up for the challenge after Chicago...
You amaze me! Love that you seem to only see and feel the good!
Thx Gloria! Love u like family! Thx for the support! xoxo