Self-Love...hearts to show I'm always a work in progress.. |
No makeup..just kisses & love to give... |
Me being a Silly Girl.... |
Laughter is the best healer.. |
Hello Loves...Happy Friday! I am sure you are all excited for the weekend! I took today off because since yesterday I was very fatigued & in a lot of joint pain...I had a really bad flare up. I know exactly why..I overdid it on Wednesday. I tend to think that I am Superwoman & that I can do it all...but why can't I? Well mentally I feel sometimes I can, but physically not always. I have to baby my body a lot..because your body does speak to you..if you listen closely enough. Speaking of that, remember my whole drastic change I had mentioned about changing my diet-the whole no sugar, no dairy, no fake sugar...blah blah blah was good in theory but it was too much too soon. It overwhelmed me & then I rebelled...a lot. So I have started over but have been making smaller changes. I feel the more you deny yourself something the more you want it & then you sort of turn into a monster..or at least I do..LOL. So what was my body telling me this week..my mind..my spirit? A lot. Monday I bravely walked into the yoga studio after nearly a month since I relapsed, & even though my legs still give out when I walk & they are weak, I wanted to just try & see how they would do. I was welcomed back with a warm hug from one of the sweet instructors & she was so impressed with how well I did. My balance was off..but then is anything ever perfect? No. What I love about this particular instructor Janna is that she always shares an inspiring lesson by the end of class. She talked about this other instructor who would obsess & spend endless hours practicing to be the best & most perfect yoga teacher but could not get a certain pose right after she had been trying nonstop. Finally after going to a well known studio with a bunch of top yogis & being a small fish in a huge pond she realized all she could be was the "Best Version of Herself" instead of "The Perfect Version of Herself." And that when she finally stopped focusing on where she was going, she was able to just enjoy where she was, & having that pressure being lifted, her practice improved tremendously. I recently too had a client who was attending her High School Reunion & had been so down & disappointed because she had not lost all the weight she wanted by the day of it. But then a week after she came into my office glowing & giggling while reminiscing about how much fun she had at the reunion. I asked her, "So did your weight matter when you were dancing, laughing, & having a blast that night with your friends?" She shook her head, "Not at all." I smiled knowing a light bulb had went off. So it all flows together...when we really stop obsessing over things, they just come together. My Mom always tells me that when she sees me obsessing over losing weight. As much as I say I take the advice I give I don't always. So here's my challenge to you & myself..just LIVE. LAUGH. EAT. NAP. CRY. LOVE. ENJOY NOW. When we give ourselves permission to "just be" like my yoga teacher says, we are able to just be in the moment & isn't that all we really have anyway? I feel good when I do yoga, so when my joints allow it I do it. I took today off work & yoga because I did not feel well, & that is what my body needed. I wrote late last night in my journal because that what my mind craved. I sipped on coffee while reading a book in our cabana near our pool this morning because that's what my spirit wanted. I have been making it a habit even on days like today when all I wanna do is lay in bed on my pain pills to sit outside, get sun, & enjoy it. I am treating my inner self with love, care, & self respect. So what can you do for yourself today? For your body? Or your mind? Or your spirit? Be kind to yourself, less critical, & well like Janna says...just be. Namaste.
I accept that challenge!