Sunday, April 29, 2012

This is me..,

So here I 29 finally getting the courage to follow my DREAMS...and I've always loved to write. It's very therapeutic for me, as is writing my poetry and oil painting as well. I always kept these little hobbies to myself and never really shared them with the world because I truly didn't believe people would like them. But last year, at 28 I started to share my poems, and before I knew it one of my professors at school was inspired by my writing and published one of my poems, "Cocoon No More" in her next book. Then I happened to meet an artist who liked my paintings and before I knew it I had my first painting in his next art show at his gallery. So just those two things finally gave me the courage and confidence to continue in someway to do what I love, which is writing and painting! I'm an "Artsy Fartsy" girl as one would say. My grammar kinda sucks so please forgive me, and I am gonna soon purchase "Grammar for Dummies." And on that note also "Blogging for Dummies" as I apologize ahead of time if this blog is not visually stimulating at first, because I am still learning...Lol. So a little about myself, I was born on Dec.7th, Pearl Harbor Day-I always joke that I was born on that day because "I'm the BOMB!" (bad joke I know) Lol..;) I am a Sagittarius and we are known to be friendly, a free spirit, optimistic, talkative..on the other hand we can be scattered, too easily influenced, and we find it hard to relax I definitely can seem scattered, but it's just because I have a million things always going on in my head and in my world 24/7..Lol! Is that so bad?! Yes sometimes because I am always go~go~go and then I run myself to the ground. Am I easily influenced? Yes but I've learned to also listen to my gut as I've gotten older and choose carefully who I trust. I am very open but sometimes that can get me in trouble because I have given trust to the wrong people and that's why I was a little hesitant to start this blog, but I am who I am. If I can help or inspire just one person through my life, it will be so worth it to me! As my Idol Mariah Carey says, "Were all human, none of us are perfect." So I thought If my own experiences, good and bad help inspire someone that's all I want. I work in the weight loss industry and I see woman beating themselves up so bad over their weight and waiting for that number on the scale give them that validation to feel good about themselves. Now I'm all for eating healthy, working out, and being a healthy number but not to the point where it makes you so unhappy in life. Us woman/girls are GOOD enough and my dream through this blog is to help you all achieve and know that. And hopefully by doing that I can work on it and feel inspired more myself. Health is Beauty and weight is a health factor but so is self love. If we love ourselves we will want to treat our body, mind, and soul with pure love. I am not a stranger to being unhealthy, I've abused my body with unhealthy food (I have a serious wheat thin and chocolate addiction), I've partied too much (mostly in my early 20's), and I've talked to myself very negatively as well. And about a week ago after a important Doctor's appointment, I was sitting there waiting for a diagnosis and it hit me. I have been treating myself so awful with bad food and negative self talk lately and all I wanted was to be healthy again. And how could I expect my body to recover under such circumstances?! I'm no stranger as well to having health issues and I swear after every relapse or flare up, I say "Thank you" to God because it always brings me a sense of clarity yet this time was different. So yes I've gained back ten pounds out of the fifty I lost but that's okay. I decided to show myself love since then and you know what I lost almost a pound this week by not obsessing and talking to myself with love. Not going into too much detail but I do suffer from autoimmune disorder and now the Doctor's think I may have a second one maybe. Tomorrow is more testing which involves needles (never fun) but I feel brave because I am. So my goal is to hopefully find a diagnosis to this new condition, Thank God ( because he obviously feels I'm a pretty strong girl or else why me?), continue to work hard, finish school( Yes I'm a late Bloomer), surround myself with my beautiful friends&family, paint for my upcoming solo art show( truly a dream about to come true), and last but not least get better at this blog for all you and be raw, real, and just myself so you all can get a little piece of my life and hopefully get a little bit of Inspiration out of it! J Here's a little piece from my poem,"Cocoon No More." "So cocoon no more, give your wings a chance/ As I gave myself too/Because only butterflies can flutter/ If you are open to looking deep within what is keeping you in that cocoon /Be brave dear butterflies Because you all deserve to fly as I do"