Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miss Honor~My Superwoman of January....

      Hello Loves, How are you all this week? Things have been a little crazy & I cannot even believe the month is practically over! I had promised you all that each month I was going to feature an Inspiring Woman & I know I am a little late but better late than never. On my Instagram I am featuring one woman a week yet on here I plan to do it once a month. So this month's "Superwoman" as I like to call is the Amazing, Beautiful, & Vivacious Miss Honorine! I have connected with her on the world wide social networking site Instagram, & thankfully she has took me under her wings & helped me reach a wider audience within my goal of helping women see their beauty as well as she has too.

      I cannot remember how I stumbled upon her account but I am so grateful I did because her & I have the same goals & views on that we as women should "Lift each other up no matter what & by doing that we are lifting ourselves up too!" She has started a movement called "Honor My Curves," as I have with my "Self-Love" Projects on Instagram. Everyday she will post an Inspiring Picture of herself with an insightful thought or powerful quote, & has started a community for women to post pics. of themselves so that they have a platform to show why they "Honor Their Curves." And it is not just honoring curvy women but honoring all shapes & sizes of women & men. Her goal just as mine has been to hopefully help them see their beauty & I know that we have spoken about in that it helps us love ourselves a little bit more as well knowing we are helping others. I wanted to dig a little more into her mind, & how the #HonorMyCurves movement got started & here's what she said...

"I started it out of my love for fashion, my yearning for self-acceptance, self-love & my belief that by supporting & being supported by other women it would help me. I discovered a couple bloggers who really inspired me to accept myself more but they were very "fashion-based," & I think that I am more "human-based." I really wanted to put the heart into my love for fashion, because it really stems from a yearning to love myself."
I also asked her for some tips that she could give some of my readers that help her feel more confident? She answered by giving these few little rules...
      1) It is easy to fall into that ditch of self-despair, but remember the road is only a couple steps away. Meaning if you fall into that self-hatred road, making self-abuse remarks to yourself, etc. that you just gotta shake it off, let it go, & keep moving forward in confidence.
      2) Fake it till you make it! Look into the mirror & say "I am worthy & I love YOU" to that person looking back at you. I think my heart & mind could see me looking back at me & it needed to hear those words so badly, even if I didn't believe them, I began to. Do it.
      3) Reach out for support. Support yourself. Support each other. Nothing makes a person more confident than helping someone else gain confidence. If you focus on the positive & helpful actions you cannot help but feel better about you too.
      4) Know that each one of us is meant to shine for our own unique reasons. Focus on what you love, crowd out what you don't. Energy goes where energy flows.

       If those 4 Amazing Tips did not convince you to fall madly in love with Honor's beautiful spirit I don't know what will. She also mentioned that her goal for the Honor Moves Movement is that "It will continue to grow & women/men everywhere will begin to see that beauty comes in different shapes & sizes; that media will embrace people in all their forms, & people will find self-acceptance & confidence from the inspiration they see in all the people participating in the #HonorMyCurves movement." Well Honor I THANK-YOU for being the Brave & Beautiful Superwoman in showing us our beauty! I can say your posts have inspired me in countless ways & I know you are doing the same for others! Keep it up girlfriend!

If you would like to continue on this beauty's journey you can find her on these networks...

1) Instagram & Twitter: @HonorCurves
2) Facebook:

Hope you all enjoyed my 1st Superwoman of 2013! Remember were all on the same path to self-love, acceptance, & becoming Superwomen in our own right..So stay strong & know your worth!

Friday, January 18, 2013

LOVE~Within Me & All Around Me.....

Can you see the GLOW within? 
Enjoying the Simple Things that make me smile...
 Me looking around at my Art all around.....
Healthy, Passionate, Glowing with a coffee in my hand...Loving Life!
      Hello Loves, Miss you all!!! How is everybody doing? How is 2013 treating you so far? How are those "Intentions," not resolutions going? Are you meeting your full potential & treating yourself with care & love? I hope so because we all deserve it! I am going to change up my blog a bit this year & focus less on my personal life & more on things, people, & projects that INSPIRE me & in turn will hopefully inspire you! "Self-Love in a Latte" was originally started to prove that "Self-Love" should be as great as that perfect this year I want to focus more on helping you guys get the right amount of LOVE to make your latte Amazing...hence the way you feel about yourself & your life. I want to have more of a structured blog as well so that way you have exciting topics to look forward too! I always am open to your tips & ideas by the way!

      Before I get into my ideas for the blog can I just say that I feel like a NEW WOMAN? I do..compared to who I was before my 30th birthday to who I feel I am becoming feels like night & day! Like I mentioned in my last post I got into the amazing pastor Joel Osteen & listening to his inspiring 30 minute lectures. They have seriously changed my perspective on everything. But besides diving into my faith again what has helped was my legs going back into remission & being healthy. I feel so grateful that God has given me my legs be able to run outside, wear high heels, & basically just to walk without a cane has made me so extremely happy. I have also met an amazing man who makes me feel like the most special girl. I always had it wrong where I thought I had to be perfect before I met someone again. That I needed to be the perfect weight, have the perfect job, & basically be flawless...but now I realize when you meet someone special you want them to be a part of your journey in loving yourself. That's a beautiful thing.

      Another thing that I am truly excited about this year is really going for my passions and dream projects! I did make a list of goals I want to achieve this year & I can proudly say that one of those is already coming into life. I am honored to the "Artist of the Month" at my friend's yoga studio called "The Yoga Mat." I am going to be having a little opening but the other day my Dad hung my work up & I felt like a proud Mama looking around at my work. I have an issue following through with things so it felt great to have finished a project & it definitely boosted my self-confidence. I have lots of dream projects I plan to work on this year & you should too! Make a list & maybe even small time lines. As far as the new ideas for the blog I want to get back to once a week & each month will be a theme! This month's theme of course is "RENEW."

       I had started a feature of posting one woman a month who inspires me & so I plan to get back to that! Before the end of the month I will be featuring an Amazing Curvy Vivacious Woman named Honor who has literally started a movement on Instagram in showing women how to Honor their Curves! I am so excited to introduce her in my next post! Get Ready! Also I will be sharing more ideas, tips, recipes, etc. within the blog anywhere from saving money on beauty products to finding that perfect inspirational goal to revamp your life! I am a work in progress so let's take this ride together!!! 2013 watch out cause were coming to get you...