Sunday, November 23, 2014

Eating Intuitively My Way...

      Hi Loves...I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is in less than a week. This year is practically over, and two weeks from today I'll be a year older! YIKES! Just kidding I actually love being in my thirties and am ready for a new year. This year has had it's up's and as well has it had it's downs too. I am at my heaviest (gosh I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately and I have been, yet nothing is changing with my weight.) I stopped gluten for my autoimmune diseases, but even that wasn't helping because I was still able to overeat those yummy gluten free cookies...Lol! Just like a drug addict, us food addicts always find a way...or a donut. Lol!
        So for those of you who follow my Instagram @selfloveinalatte you may have seen that I had mentioned last week that I was doing "Intuitive Eating," which is actually a based on a book that I have yet to read but I just ordered it because I am really interested in it. It is basically about how to stop obsessing over calories and dieting so that way you can just listen to your inner intuition. To just eat when your hungry, and stop when your full. In theory, it sounded amazing and so freeing! And it was; for the first few days.
     Let me explain something; when you've been obsessed with counting calories, dieting, binging, and then restricting once again your whole life, it's hard not to go crazy. It is scary to trust your owm intuition of when you are truly hungry or just need a fix. But I love the concept, but I just think it is something that'll take time. By day 5 I had gained nearly two pounds of listening to my intuntion. Yet I knew that wasn't my true inner voice speaking, it was my emotional wounds taking over. And that's where I'm going to really learn how to trust myself around food. It won't happen overnight, but I know it's going to be worth it.
       After so many years of feeling consumed by my weight, and using food as an emotional bandaid, it can wear you down. If you struggle with binge eating or even emotional eating, you know what I'm talking about. So I still am eating intuitively now, but within reason. I'm food journaling again because I just feel better knowing what's going into my body. The other day I made a yummy detox water out of mint leaves , lemon, and cucumber that is super refreshing. I am also giving my body what it craves, like this morning I wanted pancakes. So I made chocolate protein pancakes with egg whites, almond milk, half a banana. And some chocolate protein powder. They were so good and filling. So I made another batch for lunch.. Because why not? I also went to the farmer's market today, got some beautiful produce and precut everything for the week. I already am starting to feel better, as well as calmer. The key is to stop overanalyzing everything and just start living life. Eating to live, not living to eat. I'm not saying I'm cured from my addiction of dieting and food obsession, but I'm on the path of true peace within my choices of food, body, and mind. I hope you all are too.

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