Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Little Velveteen Rabbit....

Hello my Friends, hope everyone's weekend is going well. This was a sort of hard week for me, because after my "Festive Weekend" as I described in my last blog, my body went into over exhaustion mode which is never fun. By Monday night my hands could barely move, and by the next day my whole body was in aching pain with my joints. I could not run this week or restart my hot yoga which bummed me out, but I realized I had to listen to my body. Wednesday I was feeling pretty down on a new pain pill I was trying and then I got the best uplifting text ever. Almost a year ago, I lost my childhood bunny that I have literally slept with since I was born, so yes he's almost 30...LOL. I had moved away from my Aunt's casa, and she sent me a picture of my long lost bunny      
that had been discovered by my lil cousin in a drawer. I practically cried I was so happy, and after the pain I was in that day it was exactly the healing comfort my body and spirit needed. 
I wondered why I had been so heartbroken over losing it, and it hit me. It wasn't so much the stuffed animal itself but the attachment I had grown to it as a little girl. When life was chaotic as a child at times, which what household isn't? It was my comfort to calm my tears, my pain, and my sadness as a child which had carried me through those same emotions as an adult...and isn't all the pain the same? Whether it be the moment you cry as a six year old girl from tripping or an adult getting a scary diagnosis it's all the same feelings just attached to different ages. We all have a comfort in some little way, my bunny is a big one but so is a cup of coffee, a run, my cat, a framed pictured of my Nana who's passed, and of course writing. Some comforts have changed as I have gotten older yet my bunny, which reminds me of the a childhood story growing up called, "The Velveteen Rabbit" will always be one of my most treasured.
So what is your little bundle of comfort? What gets you through the day? After talking to a few friends, I realized I was not the only grown up holding on to a childhood stuffed animal or doll, in fact practically every person I mentioned it to would describe their own. Like I said it's the memory that we hold onto that's attached to the possession, not the possession itself. My bunny may be a little shabby, but the happiness and healing it has brought me is something that can never be replaced. 

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