Monday, September 3, 2012

September...Always a Fresh Start!

Happy September!!!!!
Finding the Happiness in the Silly Things....
One of my Favorite Books in the form of a deck of cards!
       Hello Loves! Happy September! How are you all? I love September because it always brings me back to my childhood school days. Everything is fresh like a new year, even though only it's a new season! The new clothes, new notebooks, & basically it's like a clean slate before the year ends! I always like to look at my January Goals, refresh them, & maybe cross things off & or add things. I have the BIG 30 this December so I definitely have goals I want to achieve by then! I started to make a "30 things before I do before turning 30," but it started to stress me out a bit so I have decided to change it to a "30 things I want to do in my year of 30!" Or at least that makes the procrastinator in me feel a little
      So I wanted to comment about my last blog, it seemed some people saw it a bit sadder than my normal posts..but here's the thing; I said that I would be nothing but raw & real within my writing about my life. Some people may like to read just the happy blogs, because let's be real we all have our own problems & may not care to hear others. Yet I have personally found within my own inspiration that it has come from hearing of other's struggles & then seeing how they persevered & got through it. All I wish is for someone to read my blog & gain maybe some inspiration, faith, & hopefully a little less alone in what they may be personally going through. I am not a guru of anything, but I am the driver in my own life & I am just like all of you. Wanting pure love with others & myself. I have come a long way since I was a teenager, yet I'm sure I will say that 10 years from now as well. So I only speak of my experiences & feelings of where I am at today & this moment. I may look back at a blog a year from now & think, "What was I thinking?" But that is where GROWTH comes in.
       Speaking of growth, what are your intentions for the rest of the year? What mini goals can you set to help yourself get closer to where you want to be? Make a list of little goals, or even one big goal. Even focusing on them for just 20 minutes a day is better than nothing. Yesterday I was driving to hot yoga & realized what September meant to me. It would be the 10th year in a row of running the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 5k for my Nana. Most of you who read my blog already know about Nana, but those who don't know, she's my grandmother who lost her battle to breast cancer many years ago. I held the tears back as I walked into yoga with my cane (I'm starting to think of the yoga studio as a therapist office I cry so much Anyways I realized I would not be able to run the race unless some miracle would happen to my legs & that they'd go into remission. I wanted to turn around, & just cry in my car, but Nana whispered in my ear to get to yoga.

       So I did, & even though the first half I could not stop thinking of my running, & my disappointing Nana in heaven that day, but I somehow made it through. I could feel her presense in the quite room & calmness came over me. And it did not stop there. Nana made sure my night got better & let me know that positivity was around me. I stopped by my best friends house as her daughter's begged me not to go, & tickled me until I was laughing hysterically. Then when I got home, I received an amazing gift from my Aunt Lisa which was a beautiful deck of cards transformed from one of my favorite books, "The Four Agreements," by Miguel Ruiz. Then I received a beautiful email from my pen pal from London Dee. She's a beautiful & inspiring person in my life & her emails always leave me smiling for a week after. I have to stay positive no matter what. I am gonna start the treadmill this week in hoping it will help retrain my legs, pray, & since I have been wanting to get my "Nana" tattoo forever, I thought race day may be the perfect day to get it & honor my guardian angel. Here's my September Goal List... I hope you all get to yours as well. And I promise no more crying in Namaste.

                                                       SEPTEMBER GOALS
1) To complete a 30 class/30 day yoga challenge
(I almost made it last month, did 24 classes!)
2) To read 1 non school book besides book 3 of Fifty Shades of Grey...haha!
 3) Paint! Paint! Paint!
4) Write everyday..even just 20 minutes.
5) Do treadmill at least 5x a week to help strengthen my legs.
6) For every negative thing I experience try to find a positive.
7) Read a card out of my deck once a day. Let's start with says,

      "Say Goodbye to sadness & drama. All the sadness & drama you have lived in making assumptions & taking things personally. The whole world of control between humans is based on that. Take a moment & consider this." -Miguel Ruiz

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